The Core Features Of .Net Development Framework

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Submitted by: Dharmesh Talaviya
Offshore .Net development team often use .Net framework on a frequent basis and hence the latest version of .Net development framework includes a lot of changes and enhancements to facilitate the efficiency of the outsource .Net development project. There are actually hundreds of improvements and new features in the latest version of .Net development framework and some of them are mentioned below. Outsource .Net development has always been a point of interest for those who work in this domain so you need to know the best features brought to you by .Net Framework 4.0.
First of all, in the performance and diagnostics domain, offshore .net development team will be able to monitor the memory usage and processor usage per application domain. This feature was not possible in any of the previous versions of the .Net development Framework. Of course, this will help in managing resources in a proper manner which will surely improve the overall work efficiency.
Garbage collection is also a great new feature and a great .Net development as well because it helps at replacing the concurrent garbage. This particular feature helps offshore .Net development team to develop application without the requirement of releasing free memory.
Among all the recent features added to the latest .Net version, the existence of DLR is among the greatest developments in this domain. .Net development team is able to develop dynamic languages and add them to the static languages already existent in the system. There are new types of expression trees that can support the recent added DLR feature.
The offshore .Net development includes contra variance and covariance as well as Big Integer. The great thing about Big Integer is that it can be used by all the previous versions of .Net development Framework as well as the latest one.
The latest outsource .Net development version also includes new features such as Tuples or improvements such as the file enumeration system which is highly improved. Of course, this will lead to greater performances of the .Net development framework applications in the long run.
Memory map files or being able to search for 64 bit processes are also great developments made by offshore .Net development team. Outsourced .Net development team will also be able to choose between 32 bit and 64 bit processes when there is a need for a specific process in the task manager.
The innovative features of .Net development framework also include the possibility of copying a string into another one using the great Copy To function. You can combine file paths by using the Combine Path function.
With the new registry options, offshore .Net development team will be able to specify a volatile registry which will not bother developers anymore once the computer is restarted. Besides, the registry keys are not restricted in length as they used to be at the previous versions of the .Net Framework. They needed to be less than 255 characters while now they can go way over that number.
Besides the .Net development based on improved functions or features, there are purely new features that appeared at the suggestion of those who use this program on a regular basis. These are only a few examples for core features of the latest version of .Net development framework 4.0.
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