What To Look For In A 80cc Motorized Bicycle Kit?

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By Dominik Hussl
Generally a gas-powered 80cc motor bicycle engine comes equipped with an 80cc 2 stroke bicycle engine, a one-gallon gas tank, an electronic ignition, a rear wheel sprocket assembly, a clutch assembly, an exhaust system, and a drive chain. The 80cc motor bicycle engine does not require a battery because it uses the initial peddling provided by the rider to start the engine–making it lighter and eliminating the battery maintenance required. Simply peddling, then releasing the clutch starts the bicycle engine.
Depending on the manufacturer a 80cc kit should come with a 6 month warranty, and installation instructions that perfectly match the engine you are installing. The instructions should be either printed out or in .pdf format that you can print out and have available while installing your 80cc motor bicycle engine.
It seems obvious, but is important to note that not all engines fit all bicycles, and some modifications to your bike may be necessary. I would recommend that you get help from the manufacturer of the kit to determine which engine and bicycle best fit your needs and to answer any questions you might have. Once the bicycle frame is properly modified if necessary, most people who have installed their own motors tell us that it takes them anywhere from half an hour to three or four hours, depending on their mechanical ability and know-how.
Enthusiasts who prefer the 80cc motor bicycle engine are often individuals who weigh over 200 pounds who live in hilly or mountainous areasone individual reported with a larger engine he can maintain 18 miles per hour climbing the steepest hills even though he weighs 200 pounds. Some motor bicyclists seem to be nomadic in nature and pull trailers behind them on their travels which require a larger engine. Other riders use the more powerful engines because they like to go off road onto beaches or packed trailswhich these engines are not designed for.
You new motorized bicycle equipped with a 80cc motor bicycle engine should be capable of motoring at 15 miles per hour with a range of approximately 150 miles per tankful (one gallon). Many get less mileage due to their size and weight, road conditions (hills, etc), or riding stylesuch as traveling full speed with a wide open throttle, which should never be done during the breaking-in period).
State laws do vary, as does enforcement from one community to another. It is important to learn and follow all state and local requirements for motor bicycles. While the 49cc engines are generally legal in most states without a license/registration/insurance, engines over 50cc often arent. Motor bicycle riders report that law enforcement officers are often curious about their motor bicycles and are well-disposed toward thembut then again, they dont ride where there not supposed to, and dont scare pedestrians in crosswalks. Be safebe courteous and have fun!
Motorized bicycles are far from newthey were first introduced in the 1890s and were popular as late as the 1950s. Good ideas linger and anything that gets us out of our cars, closer to nature, and exercising more while being good for the environment is a great idea.
About the Author: For more information on
80cc motorized bike kits
as well as
electric bicycles
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