Is Your Cell Phone Your Hidden Cash Cow?

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By Kozan Huseyin
With over 2 billion cell-phones in the world, the cell-phone currently has double the amount of people mobile, then the internet with only 1 billion people connected. The average person has at least 50-100 people in there cell-phone address book. Your cell-phone can truly be a cash cow.
In this article I will speak about the hidden cash cow thats in your cell-phone.
Recently I have been speaking to my new team members. A recurring question they come up with is I dont have anyone to show my MLM Marketing opportunity to, how can I show this fantastic opportunity to them?.
The answer to you new MLM Marketing opportunity dilemma is in your cell phone.
You very likely joined your MLM Marketing opportunity due to something you liked about it. And dont give me you wanted to simply get rich quick. As I always say get rich quick, get out quick!
Geese flock together, and humans to. The people on your cell-phone are likely to be people with a similar interest to you. Thats what friends are, people who share a common interest.
The point can be proved in your own example. Have you ever been with a group of people and when your interests changed, your friends started to change?
There you go. So your cell-phone address book contains many people who share a common interest. And if you fell in love with an MLM Marketing opportunity, it is very likely that the people on your cell-phones address book very likely would be delighted with the MLM Marketing opportunity as well. As long as you structure your communication correctly, and deliver your message confidently in a friendly way.
As I was speaking to a recent new recruit to the MLM Marketing opportunity which I have seen amazing results in, I offered this same advice. Within a week, he had 3 new people on his team. All passionate about this new MLM Marketing opportunity.
Unlike marketing on the net. The MLM Marketers utilising there address book on their cell-phones have just touched upon an amazing cash cow. This has the possibility of outstripping the internet (unless you know tons of people already).
People answer cell-phones, most of the time :S, and if you have rapport with that person, they will here you out. With most MLM Marketing opportunities offering the possibilities of 3 ways. You have just stumbled on a blessing!
This is a method which most MLM Marketers have not even thought of. And those that have, have utilised this method for maximum results.
Imagine the possibilities of having an instant list of 100 people in your list, and plucking out 3 people. Already you have surpassed the 95% of people who join an MLM Marketing organisation and get 2.5 people or less, then leave.
Get great support from your upline, 3 ways, and persistence, then you will be on fire!
MLM Marketing + the cell-phone are the way to go. A great message given across will pay dividends. Coupled with most cell-phone companies offering calls for literally cents, then it is definetly worth looking into cell-phone marketing, I think I just coined a new word.
To your cell-phone marketing success!
In my next article to you, I will be speaking about MLM Marketing opportunities and lessons to learn from gyms.
Till then
To your greatest success,
Kozan Huseyin ~ MLM Marketing Expert, Internet Marketer, Life Coach, Writer.
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About the Author: Have Kozan Huseyin personally coach you! Want FREE info + books on success, personal development, MLM Marketing, + unlisted gifts worth over $1,790+ FREE and get help from a MLM Marketing Expert? Visit
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