High Blood Cholesterol Natural Cure Try These Remedies

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High Blood Cholesterol Natural Cure- Try These Remedies by Cholesterol is one of the important elements in the body. Produced in the liver, it is a yellowish fatty substance which performs functions such as transportation of fat, providing defense mechanism, protecting red blood cells and muscular membrane of the body. Cholesterol is also produced from the food which is consumed. The normal level of cholesterol varies between 150 – 200 mg per 100 ml, an increase in which, results in high cholesterol. The most common symptoms of high blood cholesterol are general fatigue, excess sweating and feel of uneasiness, pain and heaviness in chest area and breathlessness. Excessive smoking and alcohol consumption, eating high fat diet, obesity and heredity factors are some of the causes for high cholesterol. However, high cholesterol can be controlled at home using certain home remedies. 1.The best home remedy to cure a person with high cholesterol is to have at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.2.Immerse 2 tablespoons of coriander seeds in a glass of water. Boil the concoction and allow it to cool. Strain the water and have it three times a day.3.Take 10 pieces of cinnamon sticks and put them in a pot containing 5 teacups of water. Boil the water and then add a tablespoon of honey to it. Drink this concoction when it’s warm.4.In a glassful of milk, add a piece of garlic and boil it. Allow it to cool before drinking. Consume this for a few days. Not only would it reduce cholesterol, but also take care of the cardiac pains.5.Alternatively, a person who has problems of high cholesterol can also have 2-3 cloves of garlic per day.6.Mix 10-12 tablespoons of apple juice and 5-6 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Intake this mixture once a day.7.Consuming raw onions or onion juice is also beneficial in reducing the high cholesterol.8.Regular exercising is very necessary to keep the cholesterol levels under control.9.In green leafy salads, mix a small amount of olive oil. It proves beneficial lessening the high cholesterol levels as well as for the proper functioning of the heart and the body.10.Persons suffering from high cholesterol should have foods rich in fiber such as raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, broccoli, green beans, etc.11.Consume lots of almonds and walnuts. These are helpful in reducing the cholesterol levels.12.Chewing sweet neem is also beneficial in lowering the high cholesterol levels.13.Having fenugreek seeds and sprouts helps to reduce the high cholesterol levels.14.Persons suffering from high cholesterol levels should have a small bowl of curd everyday. Curd acts favorably in reducing the cholesterol levels.15.Another effective natural remedy to treat high cholesterol levels would be to have foods rich in lecithin such as egg yolk, vegetable oils, whole grain cereals, soybeans and un-pasteurized milk.16.It is advisable to have food prepared from sunflower seeds instead of butter and saturated oil. This is highly beneficial in regulating the cholesterol levels.Herbal Remedies for High CholesterolFollowing are some of the effective herbal remedies for lowering cholesterol:1.Garlic is very effective in cholesterol problems. Eating 2-3 cloves of garlic a day helps to reduce or even completely eliminate the harmful cholesterol in the blood. It can disintegrate the blood cholesterol and hence free up the arteries.2.Guggul is a traditional Indian herb that has become very popular in the treatment of cholesterol-related heart problems. It contains guggulsterones that have been proven to reduce the levels of cholesterol on regular use. 25 mg of these guggulsterones are prescribed for intake thrice a day.3.Holy basil is also very useful herb for cholesterol. It has the capacity to dissolve the accumulated cholesterol from the arteries into the person’s bloodstream. From here they are eliminated by the kidneys.4.Alfalfa is used in treating problems of the arteries. It helps in clearing arteries congested with cholesterol.5.Terminalia arjuna is also effective in heart related problems such as heart attacks. The bark of the arjuna when taken in powder form has beneficial properties. This can dissolve the cholesterol that accumulates in the coronary artery and reduce the possibility of heart attacks. For more useful information visit Lower Cholesterol and High Cholesterol Remedies at Natural SupplementsArticle Source: eArticlesOnline.com